Our fitting services can address many aspects of your cycling experience. To find out how our range of fitting services can help you check out what they can do for you!

I no longer have numb hands after riding my bike for more than an hour

I can now ride for hours on end without getting a sore back

After chosing a different saddle and adjusting my saddle height, I can now enjoy riding my bike again

Some small adjustments in my position made me a lot more efficient


Our sizing and fitting services can help you buy the correct size bike, set up your shoe cleats accurately, recommend the best saddle for your needs, or provide guidance on the optimal cycling position and bike set up for your riding style. More advanced bike fits can also include analysis of your cycling position in motion and your pedaling stroke to establish how you can optimize your position for an increased power output or a greater level of comfort on the bike. Depending on which of these services you require, it can take between 1 minute and a few hours and provide you with a simple personalized advice on the best bike size, recommended changes to improve your comfort,  a specific diagram of the optimal personal set up for a particular bike, or deliver a detailed report on your pedaling stroke.

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Fitting services for every cyclist

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